
London Underground Train Operator – Night Tube PT 022816 – Closes April 17th

Welcome Forums Train Driver Job Vacancies UK London Underground Train Operator – Night Tube PT 022816 – Closes April 17th

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    London Underground haven’t recruited in over a year, so this is a great opportunity to work as a LU train operator. Although not guaranteed, this vacancy is expected to get pulled before the closing date due to a high volume of people:

    The recruitment process is detailed here:
    The recruitment process consists of 3 stages. You will need to pass each stage to progress to the next:

    Stage 1: Online Situational Judgement Test
     As part of the application process you will need to complete an Online Situational
    Judgement Test. You will have 5 days from application submission to complete this test.

    Stage 2: AC1 – You will complete the following pencil and paper tests
     SCAAT test
     Following information
     Understanding information
     Error identification

    Stage 3: AC2:
     Recorded Voice Communication Test and Competency Based Interview

    I advise checking our London Underground page and also our Making an Application page and Assessments and Interviews page which contans useful advice on these assessments.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by admin.

    Recruitment for LU operators is still ongoing. For those that have already applied, if you want to chase up your application, you can contact the recruitment line by calling their number: 03330 062 939

    Hope this helps.


    Thanks for the info! I applied for this last week so fingers crossed!

    Anyone else applied for this?


    I’ve not applied but I hear people are getting their assessment day on the 25th of April! Has anyone got theirs yet??


    I have heard the same. Results have been coming out the last few days. But I know a member of this forum also got told they will hear at the end of this week so it’s not over yet if you haven’t heard anything yet!

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