These are some of the responses I have received from people who have read this website and gone on to build a new career in train driving. Undoubtedly there are very many more. So, get to work on your CV and there is every chance that you could be successful too …..

Hello, I'd just like to thank you for making a very informative site. I've been trying to get on at Northern for nearly 2 years since they were first North Western. I've kept coming back every so often to read the recruitment procedure just see where I'm up to. Anyway, just before Christmas I got my contract in the post and I start as a trainee soon. After reading your site I know the hard work has just begun! Thank you once again for a very informative site.
I just wanted to congratulate you on a fantastic website and thank you for taking the time to put it together and maintain it. You obviously take great pride in your profession and have done a great service to all potential train drivers!
I first looked at your website a couple of months ago as I had decided on a career change (Operational Manager for 9 years) and had pinned my hopes on becoming a train driver. Your website gave me a lot of pointers before I completed my CV and sent it off. Having read your information, it came as no surprise when the TOCs I'd approached replied stating that they were not seeking train drivers at that time.
However, much to my amazement and excitement, my local TOC (First Scotrail) have now advertised in the press for Trainee Drivers! I have requested their application pack and hope I can progress through the various stages successfully! I really want to pursue this career, and even go on to become an Instructor. Thanks for all your help - now the hard bit!
Just wanted to say thanks for the very very helpful information on your website. Finally after 16 years on the railway I have managed to get the job I wanted to do in the first place. I was a signalman for 10 years but always wanted to be a driver, unfortunately privatisation kinda got in the way for a while. Anyway I've recently sat the initial interview & then the full driver assessments day which I passed with no problems thanks a lot to the great information that your website provides. Then with the medical passed fine I was offered the job today with Arriva Trains Wales.
A fantastic web-site. Thank you.
Just wanted to congratulate you on your excellent site! I have been contemplating making the change from professional writer/musician to train driver for some time now. Listening to the feature on BBC Radio 4's You & Yours today was the inspiration I needed to make inroads and your site has only increased my enthusiasm. The in-depth advice you provide is excellent, thorough and an inspiration. Oh well - here goes!
Unlike everyone else in the Testimony section, I didn't quite make it. However, you did help me get down to the last 18 (out of 450 applicants) with First Capital Connect and for that I am very grateful. Even if you fail at the last hurdle, there is much to be gained by going though the process.
Hi, just want to say thanks for a fantastic website that has helped me secure the position of trainee train driver with Silverlink. Thanks again for your help.
I just wanted to drop a quick email to say thanks to your great site. I took my test in April and next week I start as a trainee with Southern. Along every step of the way I referred to your website and I cannot stress highly enough how much help it has been to me. In fact on the day assessment only two of us passed and we were the only ones who had visited your site - and Chris Gresham's Group Bourdon Test website - we had both had the opportunity to do the tests beforehand and both passed. I have no idea why people turn up unprepared when your website is there but there you go. Thanks very much for all the information and please keep up the good work - it makes a real difference.
I discovered your incredibly useful website back in 2004. After using the advice and information, I made a successful application to become a trainee driver with Arriva, as it was then, in November of 2004. I started my training in February 2005 and qualified in December. Thanks to Railway Register I am now in a career that I thoroughly enjoy. If anyone is interested in becoming a train driver, then Railway Register is an excellent and first rate resource. Thank you!
Thank you very much for your website, it helped me a hell of a lot. I took the test in September 2005 and passed with flying colours although I was very nervous!! I am just waiting for my final interview to become an on-track machine driver.
I just wanted to thank you for your selfless and informative website. I first came across it, by accident, over three years ago (I think), and this planted the seed in my mind of train driving being a possible, albeit remote, career option. 17 months ago I noticed some trainee driver vacancies advertised.
To cut a long story short, after a 16 month application process across two different TOCs (franchise change) and having applied for one depot and been interviewed for a second, I have been appointed to a third and feel privileged to get the chance to join the railway as a driver, with my local operator. Given the odds involved, passing each of the many stages involved was a pleasant surprise every time. This third depot is actually the one closest to my home so they have shown some consideration on this point.
Thanks to your website I feel that I have some idea of what to expect and, despite some initial apprehension, am very much looking forward to my chance at this new career. Without Railway Register I would still be plugging away at my current steady but uninspiring job.
I passed the test on Monday and today I received a letter from the TOC offering me a position at Inverness. I'm dead chuffed and can't wait to start. Thanks again for your site.
After being an avid viewer of your site for months and months I finally got a job as a trainee driver with Arriva Trains Wales. This was my fourth or fifth go, as on previous occasions my applications were never answered or I got through the first tests and was then rejected. Motto being – never give up! A great site which really helped me a lot.
Just a note to say thanks for the website.
I contacted you when I was temping for Xxxxxx back in January 2005 about the 1 day assessment with XXX Trains. Well, I passed that, started training less than 1 month later, passed my rules and traction and am now out with my Driver Instructor.Rules are hard – the cramming needed means that even someone who is in Mensa can fail so badly that they don’t get invited for a resit – we saw it on our course.
If it wasn’t for your site I simply wouldn’t have been prepared for the kind of thing that came my way. It also convinced me that in a few years time I can move away from London and still keep this exciting new vocation going.
I found your website sometime ago 18 months ago, I think. Anyway I have followed you information and landed myself a new job as a trainee driver. Started two weeks ago and having great fun!
I have been looking at your website for the last 12 months looking for opportunities in my area for trainee train drivers... and applied before Christmas.I then got a letter through the post in early January asking me to go a selection event.... and I was naturally delighted. I found out that there were 450 applications for fourteen jobs and that we were in the last 70 at this stage. Everything went well at this event, I interviewed well and passed all the preliminary tests. The only doubt in my mind was that I was 22 years old and everybody else was over 30 and they wouldn't pick me.Around a week later, I received a letter inviting me to **** for the main assessment. This was when your website really came into use. I knew exactly what was coming up thanks to you so I was more than prepared. After I completed the tests, my assessor said I had done exceptionally well on all of them; the concentration test was slightly lower than the others but nothing to worry about.At this stage I think it was down to about 30 people, so I still didn't get my hopes up. I was sent for a medical, which was a doddle, and then heard nothing until this morning when I had a phone call offering me the job. I am still in shock but I thought I would take time out and e-mail you to thank you for the site. If it wasn't for your site I wouldn't have even known about the job. Please keep this site going for other hopeful candidates in the future - you are doing a great service for the rail industry.
I just wanted to inform you that, as a direct result of your website, I am just about to become a fully fledged train driver!
I came across your site in September 2006 whilst searching for information on becoming a train driver, and thanks to your 'jobs' section I discovered a company recruiting 'boil-in-the-bags'. This was ideal for myself being with absolutely no railway experience what so ever. Your information on the selection process and assessment day was invaluable and definitely helped. I started training with the company a month later and, after a very grueling five month course on rules, traction, etc, I have nearly finished my 225 hours minder driving (which I have enjoyed immensely!). My only regret is that I should have done this years ago! Thanks again for a fantastic, life-changing site.
Hi, I want to thank you on your wonderful website. It is thanks to this website that I was fully prepared for all the stages of the interviews. Today I received a job offer with a TOC for a trainee train driver, and I owe it all to your wonderful website.
I would just like to thank you for your excellent web site. I decided I would like a career in train driving several years ago, prior to my contract terminating with HM Forces. Not knowing where to start, I stumbled across your web site. I have found this to be a wonderful tool and very helpful in preparing me for the journey ahead. Although the odds at getting over all hurdles weren’t great, I persevered and have just received confirmation that I will start as a trainee driver with Southern next month. Your web site was invaluable and I possibly may have not have passed all the assessments without knowing what was ahead. I realise the hard bit is yet to come, but am looking forward to the challenge ahead. Once again, thanks.
Please accept my sincere thanks for producing this web site. It has been saved in favourites for many months and the information has been invaluable in helping me secure a trainee driver position. It always amazes me when I come across a site such as this that someone has taken a great deal of time to construct and update with no real gain for themselves. Many thanks once again and all the best for the future.
Thank you for providing such an informative web site. I have been reading it for a few years and have just received my offer letter to start training. The information on your site guided me through the whole process and I am sure was a key part of my success. I now have the hard work ahead of me but have a good idea what to expect thanks to you.
I am just emailing you because I wanted to thank you for your brilliant website that you have created. I have just received a letter today from Northern Rail offering me a Trainee Drivers job. Your website helped me immensely during the interview and the assessments which I took at Doncaster. With the help of your website I knew what was expected of me during the assessments. Thanks so much and I wish you the best for the future.
After nearly three years working through my application and many hours reading your fantastic web-site for hints and tips I can proudly say that I have just been offered a job as Trainee Train Driver at South West Trains. Having passed my assessments in June 2006 I had an agonising 18month wait before receiving a letter just after Christmas inviting me to my final interview.
Your web-site provided me with invaluable information and guidance which helped me prepare fully for the entire process from start to finish. I also purchased the 'how2become' CD you advertise on your site and I must say that this helped me fully prepare myself for the final hurdle 'the structured interview'. I know the hard work is now just about to begin, but again I have a good idea of what to expect thanks to you.
I have had my assessment today and passed, which is largely down to your website. So I would just like to say cheers.
Just passed my assessments for first Great Western and have got my structured interview this Friday. Thanks to your website it has been a great help..
I’d just like to say thank you for producing and maintaining such an important resource for many operational ‘hopefuls’ like myself. I have had your website saved in ‘my favourites’ for a few years now, and it is something that I refer to frequently.
Your site has helped me secure no less than two jobs at Heathrow Express! I first saw the job vacancy for Customer Service Representative on your site some while ago. After being offered the job and then completing six months of operational experience, I was allowed to take my driver assessments, which I passed first time. I will begin my Customer Service Operator (driver) training at the end of the month, and I will no doubt continue to use your website as an invaluable resource throughout.
I'd like to thank you for putting up a extremely useful, informative, wonderful and fantastic website. Ever since I was three I wanted to be a train driver, and thanks to your website, I did my homework and I got an offer from the TOC I applied for today... I know without this website I wouldn't have been as prepared, and I thank you once again.
Just wanted to drop a line to say what a fantastic resource your website is. I found it very informative and containing just about everything I could wish to know and answered pretty much every question I had about the industry. I particularly rate the tone in which it is written, informal, but practical and obviously from the pen of someone who has a wealth of experience in the industry.
I noticed your web site around 18 months ago and took the time to read it through. Anyway, to cut along story short, I have just completed and passed my assessment. I thought I'd send you an email to thank you for a excellent site; I don't think I would have passed the assessment without your information and knowledge.
I have just recently started work as a trainee driver with my local TOC and would like to say many thanks to you for putting in the hard work and dedication to your excellent website. I often looked at and got ideas from the website whilst going through my application/interview process, which really helped me to no end and gave me a much better understanding to the job and process itself. It will no doubt lend itself again to me whilst going through the training process.
Just wanted to write and say that I have just been offered a depot driver job with East Midlands Trains, thanks in no small part to the information available on your excellent website. Thank you for all your efforts in creating an indispensable resource for aspiring drivers.
I thought I would be checking out loads of web pages for what I needed to know about driver training etc., but this site as all you need to know. Congratulations on a well laid out and very informative web page.
Thanks for all your info and website, it really helped changed my career and life. I have just been offered a job with southwest trains at their ____ depot, which never comes up for external applicants. Thanks again for your website, it helped me pass all the tests first time.
Just want to say thanks. Start with **** on 31st October and it wouldn't have been possible or I wouldn't have been persuaded to go for it had I not come across your site. From me, great thanks and a great site.
Hi, just want to thank you for a great website. I start as a trainee train driver in January and coming from a completely unrelated background your site gave me a great insight into the industry and helped immensely throughout the interview/psychometric testing. Cannot wait to get started now!
Just wanted to say thanks for the website.... Full of valuable information and one of many that I researched during my application process. Thanks (in no small part) to the information on your site I had a much better understanding of the role and what's involved , and have now been offered a Trainee Drivers Position. Thanks again, keep up the good work !